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ground cover

См. также в других словарях:

  • ground cover — ground ,cover noun uncount plants that can be used for covering a large area of ground because they spread easily and do not need a lot of care …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ground cover — n. any of various low, dense growing plants, as ivy, pachysandra, etc., used for covering the ground, as in places where it is difficult to grow grass …   English World dictionary

  • ground cover — noun 1. low growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow • Syn: ↑groundcover • Hypernyms: ↑vegetation, ↑flora, ↑botany • Hyponyms: ↑rupturewort, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • ground cover — groundcover ground cov er, ground cover ground cov er . 1. low growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow. [WordNet 1.5] 2. small plants other than saplings growing on a forest floor. Syn: ground… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ground cover — /ˈgraʊnd kʌvə/ (say grownd kuvuh) noun 1. plant growth covering a large area of ground, designed to provide protection from erosion or drought, or to prevent the growth of weeds. 2. a plant which has a growth habit suitable for this purpose. 3.… …  

  • ground cover — noun Date: 1900 1. the small plants on a forest floor except young trees 2. a. a planting of low plants (as ivy) that covers the ground in place of turf b. a plant adapted for use as ground cover …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ground cover — ground′ cov er n. 1) bot the herbaceous plants and low shrubs in a forest, considered as a whole 2) pln any of various low growing plants and trailing vines used for covering the ground, esp. where grass is difficult to grow • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • ground cover — 1. the herbaceous plants and low shrubs in a forest, considered as a whole. 2. any of a variety of low growing or trailing plants used to cover the ground in areas where grass is difficult to grow, as in dense shade or on steep slopes. Also,… …   Universalium

  • ground cover — noun (U) plants that cover the soil …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • ground cover — UK / US noun [uncountable] plants that can be used for covering a large area of ground because they spread easily and do not need a lot of care …   English dictionary

  • ground cover — noun Something, particularly plants, which overlays an area of land. May refer to plants specifically grown to prevent erosion of an area …   Wiktionary

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